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Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'appstream'
Overview Error Message On December 31st, 2021 CentOS 8 went End of Life (EOL). The mirrors c...
ESXI Config Backup Utility
The ESXI Config Backup Utility is a PowerShell script that makes it easy to take config backups o...
Add Missing Screen Resolution Options on a VM (VMware)
Have you set up a new VM on ESXI/vSphere and the resolution is off, and when you went to change t...
Installing VMware Tools
What is VMware Tools VMware Tools is a installable package that improves the integration of Gues...
Installing Rocky Linux 8.5
The screenshots in this guide are a bit lacking, I forgot to take a bunch of screenshots. I'll b...
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Update ESXi Using vCenter
In this guide we'll cover how to update ESXi using vCenter. vCenter makes it easy to keep your ES...
Updating vCenter
This page provides instructions on how to update your vCenter. This example shows the GUI method ...
Creating a VM in ESXi (Basic)
This guide will cover the basics of creating a new virtual machine in ESXi/vSphere. We'll create ...
Installing ESXi (7.0)
This guide will cover how to install VMware ESXi 7.0.3. We'll start off by covering ways to get t...
vCenter Backups
This guide demonstrates how to take a backup in vCenter 7.0U3, the process is very similar if not...
Add an ESXi Host to vCenter
In this guide we'll go over adding an ESXi host to vCenter. vCenter, in its most basic form, is ...
Creating a VM in vCenter (Basic)
This guide will cover the basics of creating a new virtual machine in vCenter. We'll create a mor...
Removing a vCenter HA Configuration
To my knowledge there are only two ways to deconfigure/remove a vCenter HA Deployment. The first...
Set Up vCenter HA
This guide covers setting up vCenter HA (High Availability) on vCenter 7.0. Prerequisites Th...
Create a Virtual Machine (VM)
Methods Create a VM in ESXi (Basic):
Updating VMware Tools
There are a few different way to update VMware Tools on a VM. This guide will cover manual update...
Reset a Domain User's Password (Active Directory)
This guide covers how to rest a domain user's password. Getting Started Locating a Domain Cont...
Creating a Domain User (Active Directory)
This page covers the process of locating a domain controller and using Active Directory Users & C...
Windows Server 2022 Install Process
This page covers how to install Windows Server 2022. The process is very similar to previous vers...